Lilipop’s Feminism

22 Feb

I was about to have a shower when I looked at myself in the mirror and realised how much I don’t hate myself. I finally feel comfortable in my own body with is quite an achievement for me because a year or so ago I would sometimes feel physically sick looking myself. It seemed to me that I was total failing as a girl because I was not a size 8 or because I had body hair. I constantly worried about what people would think of me if they saw a roll of my fat or some stuble from shaving my underarms. I know now that people just don’t really care if I am a size smaller or if I don’t wax my bikini line, all that matters is how I feel about my self. Of course there are always times when I dont feel as confident and and sometimes I have a little breakdown but I have amazing friends and the feminist community helps me through it.

The problem is, most girls my age feel how I used to feel. Should we feel this way? Why do we feel this way? And most importantly, how can I make it stop? This is why I am a feminist. I want to be allowed to love myself for who I am. Why are we made to feel ashamed of natural, normal? My answer is that we are getting these messages from a society that is a partiarchy. Patriarchy is the idea that the social system we live in is dominated by men. Men are the primary and automatic authority figure, they decide what is normal and what should be expected. This is a better explaination of patriarchy, have a look at this

Of course feminism and oppression by the patriarchy is not just about body image (although that is important). Women are marginalized and oppressed in so many different ways, for example the pay gap. Despite the (easy to get around in the UK) legislation, women still earn on average 30% LESS than men doing the same job with the same qualifications for the same amount of time. This means when me and my little sister grow up we will have an automatic disadvantage, something extra holding us back. No matter how hard we try it will not get better still the patriarchy is smashed.

Well now we have established that I am a feminist and why! Now that I am a feminist, I have found a great community of feminists on Twitter and through the London Student Feminist Network. Of course I could not talk about my feminism without talking about the Twitter Youth Feminist Army, I would not be the same without them. I have meet so many amazing friends, learnt so much and been given so many amazing oppertunities because of the Twitter Youth Feminist Army. This is why I am trying to spread the word of feminism, it has given me some life changing personal experiences and is working towards a better world for everyone, hope for the future.

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16 Responses to “Lilipop’s Feminism”

  1. thenotsoquietfeminist February 24, 2013 at 12:16 am #

    Great piece 🙂 x

  2. Catherine February 24, 2013 at 9:55 am #

    Lili, I’m so proud to know you. You are a great role model for both other young women and also older feminists.
    I fully expect to one day switch on the news and see you running the world!
    A great piece xx

    • jellypopblogger February 24, 2013 at 1:05 pm #

      Thanks Cath, it means so much to me that you and others support me. World domination plans shall commence shortly 😉

  3. lauraannham February 24, 2013 at 10:27 am #

    Yes! Totally agree with you. I get so annoyed with girls and women who say they’re not feminists, because they don’t want boys and men to dislike them. It’s just about having your rights! So simple. So glad you feel comfortable in your own skin. Not easy when surrounded by pictures of photoshopped models. You go girl!

    • jellypopblogger February 24, 2013 at 4:02 pm #

      It can get really annoying! Especially when people say “Im not a feminist BUT…” and then say something feminist! I think there is a lot of misunderstanding of feminism among teens.

      I wish everybody could see that the media is biased and brainwashing so we could all live (mostly) happily ever after but that’s not going to happen unless we MAKE IT HAPPEN! Feminist revolution!

  4. lolliclarke March 4, 2013 at 5:26 pm #

    ok, not to sound cheesy, but this is literally the most inspiring blog i’ve ever met. I totally wish I could think like you, and not worry about what people think of me…i totally admire you. It would mean a lot if you had a minute to look at my blog. It’s not as philosophical as yours;) but i’d really appreciate some tips. xo lolli xo

    • jellypopblogger March 4, 2013 at 6:19 pm #

      Hi Lolli! This is Lilipop (very similar). Firstly OMJ THANKS WE ARE NOT THAT GREAT BUT WOW THANK YOU!!!
      Secondly, I know I totally care about what people think of me. Whenever I get to upset, I ask myself “Does what other people think really matter?” then kind of talk myself out of caring. It doesnt always work but yeah.
      I will definitely be looking at your blog 🙂

      • lolliclarke March 4, 2013 at 6:48 pm #

        Wow. Even your comment replies are philosophical. Stay awesome! xo

  5. Karen Johnson March 9, 2013 at 7:27 am #

    Well done – we need women and girls to understand how sexism oppresses us all and speaking out loudly is the best way. Others can take courage from you

  6. Anastacia April 24, 2013 at 7:28 am #

    Magnificent! I will be posting one of the pics on my fb and referencing this website when I am back to teaching girls in the fall! AWESOME!!!


  7. thevenusenvy July 23, 2013 at 1:30 am #

    Reblogged this on THE VENUS ENVY.

  8. derrington May 21, 2015 at 9:05 am #

    As a feminist mum I am glad to see a new generation of feminists coming through and understanding that male supremacist ideology is not good for girls and not good for boys either. Equality is where its at – and with so much hate speech directed at girls and children on porn and on the internet – yes Im looking at you Facebook and Twitter – its up to us to create the world where everyone is safe. Go young woman xxx

    • derrington May 21, 2015 at 9:07 am #

      PS How about a piece on hate crime in the home – Domestic Violence and how girls can avoid guys that will beat them up to get their own way?


  1. The teenage Twitter feminist: 'I finally feel comfortable in my own body' - The Guardian - TWITTEROO.NET - March 7, 2013

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